The trials and tribulations of one stay -at- home mom's journey to raising 4 kids in a too small house on a too small budget, but still trying to live BIG.
Saturday, 18 August 2012
Paris Goes To Lake Tahoe
Quite a while back, I'm talking like April or May, I received a message from Cristina Deptula. She wondered if my kids might like to read "Paris Goes To Lake Tahoe" and "Paris Goes TO San Francisco". I of course said "YES PLEASE!" My kids are all avid readers, and free is the best of all. I kind of forgot about them until one day the UPS man arrived and wanted me to sign for a package. I should let you know that I have considered having things shipped to myself, just for that excitement of seeing the UPS truck pull up. It's so exciting (no one ever accused me of being mature).
When the kids got home from school we ripped open the white plastic wrapping that so completely hid the package contents. It was the books! Grace and Riley flew from the kitchen into the living room, each of them clutching a book. The books are bright and colourful, they both enjoyed them. I had planned to blog about it right then and there, and then life got away from me. It was shortly after receiving the books that I went in to have my nose surgery. Then all heck broke loose. Although my nose did not hurt as much as I had thought that it would, the surgery knocked me for a loop. I always underestimate how long it takes to heal. I feel like after two days I should be good to go, I was wrong. Anyway, the books made their way throughout the house. It wasn't until last week when I was going through Elly's book shelf , tiding it up that I discovered "Paris Goes To Lake Tahoe". I brought it downstairs and Riley let out a squeal, "I wondered where that had gotten!" She promptly grabbed it out of my hands.
So now, here we are months later ready to review this bright colourful book written by a nine year old girl named Paris Morris. Paris lives in Danville, California (this made me giggle because I am immature, and because my kids are BIG Phineas and Ferb fans). When I went to her website, the site was down. The books are published by
These books are really nice little books. They were too young for Grace, she enjoyed them, but they lacked the meat that she needs for her reading choices. Riley on the other hand really enjoyed them, and claimed them as hers. These books would be excellent if you knew that you were visiting Lake Tahoe, or San Francisco. I think that the kids would love to see where they were about to visit, and then when they saw the sites that Paris had talked about it would be really neat. It was kind of like a kids travel guide within a story.
Thank you Cristina Depula, the kids loved the books. The series includes "I'm Having Twins", "My Twins are Coming Home", "My Twins First Birthdays", "My Twins First Halloween", "My Twins First Christmas", "Paris Goes to France", "Paris Goes to New York", "Paris Goes to Italy", "Paris Goes to Lake Tahoe", and "Paris Goes to San Francisco."
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